Sunday, April 21, 2013

Do You Believe in the Work You Do?

Do you believe, with all of your heart, that your program, your gifts, and your support are worth while?  Do you believe it is so powerful that even if your clients have to come up with the money, that they should do so because your work together will change their life in powerful ways?  I am speaking of the clients that you are energetically aligned with that are excited about your program and your work.  If your answer is "yes" to both questions, then I want to ask you a powerful question...

"If you found a program that truly resonated in your heart as the right coaching program for you and your needs, would you enroll even if you had to come up with the money and make the time?"  Unfortunately, most coaches true answer to this is "no."  Why are we out there promoting our work as beneficial and life changing if we are not willing to make the time and financial commitment in our own lives?  If we truly believe in this work, then we would say "yes" when we found a program that fit our needs.  Do you really believe that you can convince a potential client about the value and power of your program when you are not able to make the step you want them to make?  How can you ask a client to pay $1500, $3000, $10,000... for your program when you are not willing to do the same with work that you know will benefit you?

If you want the energy of this work to change the world and people to start believing in the power of it, you need to first believe in the worthiness of this work yourself.  Put your money, your time, and your courage "where your mouth is."  You will not be a powerful and successful coach if you don't also take the steps (emotionally and financially) that you are encouraging your clients to take.

Would you go to a dentist who does not have his own dentist?  A dentist that tells you that it is important to take care of your teeth and pay for the services even when you need to come up with the money, but who does not do the same for himself... Does that seem like someone who believes in the value of dentistry?  Would you pay to see a counselor who encourages you to invest your time and money in the work, but who would not do the same for themselves when they were in need?  What about a chiropractor who said you deserved relief and the cost was well worth it, but who suffered chronic back pain and didn't go see someone for himself because he didn't want to spend the time or money?

Coaching is work that is not well accepted.  When people wake up in the morning and feel unhealthy, sad, lacking in purpose, etc, they don't automatically think "I need a health or life coach."  But when people wake up with a rash or severe illness they don't know how to cure or treat, they DO automatically think "I need to go to my doctor."  If we coaches are not even willing to make the emotional, time, financial, and trust investments in a coach, we can't expect our potential clients to do so.  We certainly can't expect the world to take this work seriously, consider it valuable, and make sacrifices to experience and benefit from it, if we are not willing to do the same.

Now is the time to make a change!

I invested $3,000 in a program when I was barely able to pay my mortgage because I believe this work is powerful and worthy of my initial sacrifice.  Just because you are a coach or healer doesn't mean you can do the work for yourself and that you don't also need the support that you are giving your clients.  Validate the work you do by investing the kind of money you are asking you clients to invest in coaching (or the kind of money you would like to be confident enough to ask them to invest).

This, of course, does not mean you should pay just any coach.  Find someone who resonates with you.  Find someone that you are energetically aligned with, who can help you shift and see yourself in new and powerful ways.  Then, when you find this person, take the steps, make it happen, value the work and do what you would want any of your clients to do and sign up for the program that day!

If we don't all make this small step, we will never see others taking our work seriously.  WE, first, have to take our work seriously and do what we are encouraging our clients to do before we will see real change, success, and abundance.  I want to wake up in a world where when someone is experiencing sadness, pain, etc... they think "I need to call my health coach."  Don't you?

Invest your time in the people who are ready to work with you!  My clients, the ones who have been brave enough and who have taken themselves and their business seriously enough to sign up for my program, have had incredibly powerful shifts.  Shifts that many people would not think possible in 3 months or even 10 years.  These are the people I invest most of my time in.  The clients you have who believe in our work and how worthy it is, those are the people you should be spending your time working with.

Create a powerful and high value program for these people. Work with a smaller number of people, charge more, add more value, and give them more time.  It is better to charge more and spend more time with a smaller number of people who really appreciate and will gain significant value from your program than it is to try and work with 40 people a month at $250-$350 a month when most people will not even be willing to invest in themselves (even when they are excited and want the program).

Spend your time with the people who know you are the expert in what you do, believe in the power of your program, who are truly ready and willing to do the work, and who are willing to do what it takes because they know the work will be so powerful and life shifting that it would be unwise not to invest.

If you look for a coach for yourself, make sure their program and their work resonates as right for you!  It is not only about signing up for any coaching, it is about finding a program that will be powerful and transformative for you.  You would not want potential clients to sign up with you if they didn't truly believe in your work, so you want to make sure you follow that same logic for yourself and always do what is best for you and for your life and business.

I have a new and HIGHLY tranformative business program I am offering to  only 4 people per month.  This program is incredibly powerful and will shift your business in ways you would not believe.  But it won't just be your business that is affected, it will also shift your life in amazing ways.  I have some slots open for those who are ready and willing to spend the time and money in order to create the business and life of their dreams. 

I am offering a 60 minute free phone session to anyone who feels this program may be right for them.  However, I expect you to put yourself first if the program resonates as right for you and make the commitment.  Don't make an appointment for an initial session if you are not ready to make the investment and commitment necessary to be a part a program that will transform your life and business.  You don't have to have the money right away, if you need to take some time to make things work and I have spots left when you are ready.  If it is not the right program for you, I will send you with references for other coaches and lots of love and support.

This program is ONLY open to those ready for a powerful and incredible shift.  Those coaches who are tired of living in a life and running a business that is not what they desire, who are sick of not having the abundance they deserve, who are tired of chasing their clients and want their clients to chase them, who are ready to step into their power and really have a presence in this world, are the coaches who will truly benefit from this program and come out on the other end as wildly confident, successful, and just plain happy.

What is the program?

A 4 Week  Fairytale Business Transformation Program

20 45 Minute sessions (5 per week!)

This program is an extremely fast track program!  Although 3 and 6 month programs can be wonderful and powerful, I find clients who are trying to make really big shifts in their business and life need daily support.  Instead of doing a regular program and connecting every other week and giving you suggestions at the end of the sessions, I am much more interested in supporting you in being consistent and helping you work through the daily challenges and fears.  So we will work together every morning, Monday through Friday for 4 weeks!  I will be your consistent and constant support in really getting focused on what you want.  If you want to give up or lose focus, I will be there with you again the next morning encouraging you, helping you work through your fears, and getting you re-focused.  This program is offered to only 4 clients per month, and this gives me the time and freedom to really spend a lot of time focusing on helping you create an amazing and successful business. 

This program will support you in completely changing the way you see yourself and your gifts, get you in touch with what your gifts are, will help you step into your power, and will guide you in taking the steps necessary to create abundance and success in your life and business.  We will get to the core of what is currently holding you back so you can break free.  You are the author and artist of your own life and business.  Your success will become present in your reality when you learn that you are in control and have power and understand how to harness it so you can gift yourself with the business of your dreams.  Magic is not just in fairytales, magic is here and now!

I will be able to support in you uncovering why you have been unable to create the business and reality you desire and how you can make steps to create such powerful change that you can completely step into the business and reality you have always dreamed of.

I am excited to work with people who are ready and waiting for this type of work.  If you resonate and tingle with the desire to step into a new reality and create a business that will change the world and your life in wonderful ways, click here to complete this form so I can learn more about your dream business and what your challenges have been along the way.  Once completed, I will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your free 60 minute phone session so we can discuss how I can support you in creating a new reality where success is automatic! Since this program is only open to 4 people per month, it is first come first serve.  I do allow clients to enroll in future months to secure their spot when current months are already booked.  This is a new program so May and June are open to you!

You deserve to have the business and life you desire and the world deserves to have your support and experience your amazing gifts! 

Much love to all you coaches and healers!

Cortney A. Budney
Fairytale Business Transformation Expert

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