Coaches and Visionaries,
Do you find that some people are in love with your approach, but others are not big fans? How do you respond to the negative comments? Do you allow them to pull you down and allow you to be who you are not? I have done that before, and totally understand!
Remember that you have your own very unique and special flair. You could have a wonderful initial call with someone who loves what you have to offer, and then they don't like how you follow up afterward. It is our job to stand in people's power for them and if they say they love our program and want it, to professionally, but also constructively follow up with these clients about 5-7 times (not too close together). So what if someone gets annoyed with your follow up? Do you get upset? Do you feel hurt? Do you change you and your approach?
Of course you want to hear what people have to say, but don't change up your approach based on what a few people may say. Remember your successful, happy clients, past clients! Remember that you may have followed up with them in the way that annoyed someone else, and in doing so empowered them to sign up for the program that changed their life and/or business! So if you didn't do so, would you have missed out on working with them? Is that worth it? NO!
Be you! We all have our own voice and your own language. Honor that and don't worry about what others have to say! (Unless it is a large majority)... but don't change your whole approach based on one or two random complains. You can't be everything to everyone!
For me, I am trying a new approach. I am finding most clients, if they don't sign up within a week, are not going to take the step that they state is best for them and what they want. I can only do so much for people who are not ready to transform. The same is for you! Your gifts are valuable beyond measure! If you charge $4000 for a few months, that is well worth your time if you are helping people have transformations that a majority of this world cannot facilitate. Have faith in what you charge, don't worry about those who question. If you question yourself, then work on that (and if it is TRULY necessary, then adjust).
Is your program worth $500-$3000 a month?
1) What time are you giving in initial session time, one on one time, prep time, and email/communication time?
2) How much marketing do you have to do to sign 1 client?
3) How many clients can you have in one month in order to not exceed a total of 30 hours (client and marketing time)?
4) Do you have more than 20 clients a month? Even with this number, that is a lot of stories to be apart of, are you able to serve your clients in large numbers? If you had less clients could you serve them in a bigger way? (Remember it is not just about your time, but about their time and growth)
Through answering these questions, you can put a better value on your program. Doing this is how I came up with a $6,000 price on my program. Is that a lot? Sure, for an initial investment, it is. But I spend at least 90 free minutes with clients in the first session, and time following up and answering questions in follow up emails and calls. I work with no more than 10-12 clients at one time in order to serve them in bigger and better ways. I spend 3 months, and 12 60 minute sessions, and several lengthy emails a week and sometimes a day PER each client. So I am spending a lot of time per client, and I WANT it this way. Why? Because my goal for my clients is that they grow in 3 months what it would take 30 years to grow in a lifetime. Is that bold, sure! But it is what I desired for each and every client I work with in a 3 month program. So I have become very comfortable charging $6000. I also give my clients a $500 deposit and 30 days of call/email coaching to work with me and manifest so they can grow the strength to create their reality. This $500 is toward the full program even if they take 30 days to manifest before we begin, and I do this so people who are not yet ready or sure how to put themselves first (regardless of money fears), can start to develop energy and belief systems that will support them in having what they desire, with no strings attached!
HONOR your program and don't bend based on 1-2 complaints. If a majority of people are sharing a complaint, you may want to consider changing things up a bit. Other than that, honor you! There are people out there who NEED your approach. Don't give up on them by giving up on you based on what a few others say.
I hope this honors and helps many of you!
Please share your words and experiences based on this blog, they are welcome and encouraged!
Cortney Anne Budney
Fairytale Transformation Expert
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